When i heard the word RSS for the first time Isaid what is this?Do we need that?
Rss is a need way that can keep you informed for everything you are interested in.I think that everyone spends a lot of time searching in their favorite sites-blogs-web pages to find any new information or post. It is time consuming and the amount of information huge.
For this reason RSS is very useful. You can choose you favorite site you can click on the RSS button and anytime you want in any place you are you access and find out the news. Especially for PR practitioners that spend hours searching the papers and other sources is a very usefull tool.
At the following link you will be able to see the 55 Active RSS Web Directories:
But as any other tool has its prons and cons:
Prons: RSS feeds are timely ,are cost effective ,works well with e-mail,helps you manage and organize content,maintains privacy and anonymity,help you save time .
ConsRSS feeds provide no history,are a bandwidth waster ,are complicated to set up,content doesnt lend itself to search,usually only show an abridged version of the content.
So its up to you want to make your life easier or keep on the old way?
Sources: http://www.microsoft.com/atwork/manageinfo/rss.mspx#EJD
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