After the presentation that Jelena did about Virtual world and Second life games I still believe that this is something that will not help PR for this time period.
Virtual world is something that doesnt exist and gives you the impression of something that you dont have. Even companies looking to use Second Life just for market research may run into problems trying to apply their findings to the real world, where the psychographics and behavioral patterns are different(http://rssdiary.marketingstudies.net/content/second_life_2_how_can_marketers_take_advantage.php).
From my point of view i believe that this new technology will be used more in advertising than in public relations because it gives the opportunity to somehow feel the product you want to buy or use. Additionally i believe that it will be used more from men than from women because it is a game something that facinates them.
I still dont understand how it is useful to public relations but maybe i m wrong because it is too early. What do you think?